About Us

Currywatchers is a free online healthy eating group started by Dr Ezhil Anand and Muthu in 2015. Asians living in the UK have an increased incidence of diabetes and other physical health problems. 

The purpose of the group is to tackle health inequality and improve quality of life.

We aim to do this by-

  1. Educate-Share appropriate information
  2. Motivate each other
  3. Sustain healthy lifestyle in the long run

We have successfully motivated people to change their lifestyle by being physically active and changing their diet. We share healthy recipes. We had several weight loss challenges and promoted charity park runs to increase awareness about organ donation. 

We encourage mindful eating as well as use cognitive behavioural techniques for weight loss. We discuss Yoga. meditation and mindfulness to sustain holistic wellbeing. We also offer one-to-one coaching and support, for food monitoring and dietary advice from motivators.

We have been successful due to a strong community spirit and support from a friendly group of motivators. We recently completed a 7000 thousand kilometres “ India to UK” run where several people ran locally and completed the target in a month's time. 

Disclaimer-All opinions expressed by the contributors in this website, social group are their own and do not constitute a professional diet or health advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by Currywatchers constitutes an health or diet recommendation, nor should any data or content published by Currywatchers should be relied upon for any health related issues. Currywatchers strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a medical professional/your GP or a certified dietician before making any dietary changes. The organisers of Currywatchers shall not be held liable for any health issues or other issues arising out of you following the advice or recommendation offered in this website or the social group.

Dr Ezhil Anand 




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